Saturday, 2 November 2019

Bioblitz November 2019

The Gold Coast Catchment Association organised a massive audit of wildlife in the Austinville Valley. We joined a group assessing plants around the old settlement track at the top of the valley.

Emily Vincent organizing the 200 participants

Martin Bennett, botanist

Red nut or spice bush Triunia youngiana

Strappy plants are Rock felt fern Pyrrosia rupestris

Riceflower Pimelea altior

Wilkiea huegeliana, larvae of the Regent Skipper (Euschemon rafflesia)

Veiny Wilkiea Wilkiea huegeliana

Rough-shelled bush nut (Threatened species) Macadamia tetraphylla

White bolly gum Neolitsea dealbata

White bolly gum Neolitsea dealbata (white under leaf)

Scentless Rosewood Synoum glandulosum

White bolly gum, flower bud Neolitsea dealbata

Rose leaved Raspberry (That red thing is not a fruit, it’s a gall) Rubus rosifolius 

George and a stand of flooded gums

Gympie stinger Dendrocnide moroides

Microporus xanthopus

Maiden's Blush Sloanea australis

Queensland Laurel Anopterus macleayanus

Silver leaf Argophyllum nullumense 

 Silver leaf Argophyllum nullumense

Climbing fern Arthropteris tenella

Long leaved tuckeroo Cupaniopsis newmanii

Hydrocotyle pedicellosa

Macadamia tetraphylla

Scentless Rosewood Synoum glandulosum 

Brush pepperbush  Tasmannia insipida 

Small climbing Fishbone fern Arthropteris beckleri

White Walnut Cryptocarya obovata

White Walnut Cryptocarya obovata

Gympie stinger Dendrocnide moroides

Blue quandong Elaeocarpus grandis

Microporus xanthopus

White bolly gum Neolitsea dealbata

White bolly gum Neolitsea dealbata

Pollia crispata

Pothos longipes

Senna acclinis

1 comment:

  1. Very nice collection, Thanks for share with us. Thank you very much for the freebie. It is just beautiful. Maharaja Express
